Friday, August 13, 2010

Lets be real..

We're all FOLLOWERS.
In time, we learn to lead.
We follow, whether its following Christ, following your parents or your friends.

I know some people might disagree, but when you think of it..its true.
I follow, I also lead.
Both are difficult, I want to be different. I want to be my own person and nobody else.
Sometimes I get cought up in everyone elses lives and become more like them, than me.
I try to act different to be liked by other people.

I go to a youth group, im a leader there actually, and through time I realized how difficult it is to lead.
Theres so many things I have to do to lead. I'm always scared I'll disappoint.
Having people there who have the same problems I used to have makes it so much easier, I can talk to them about it, I can talk to people about God and what hes done in my life.
It might be difficult sometimes, but I love it.


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